Looking Good In the Cold/Modern Shearling

Published on 6 December 2024 at 09:53

Modern Shearling......

It's Cold & Windy in NYC!

Modern Shearlings are a good way to look well put together....while walking around or opting to jumping into an Uber.

Looking good and well put together IS a Lifestyle!

Time to bring out those Cashmere scarves....

Shearling....Moon Boots.....

Cashmere or Wool Hats.....

Soft or Silky knits...Turtlenecks....opt for beige, tan, navy, or black.....

When fashion is a Lifestyle....You look good for YOU.....Not People......

There is no such thing as having a bad day......YES...bad days or feelings... can happen but YOU cant stay there......

Fashion Tip...As long as your coat and boots look well put together so will YOU.....


Winter.....IS Here.....

Remember....YOU ...Are FashionED in Purpose & FashionED for HIS Glory...

TGIF.....Pray I get to Art Basel in Miami....




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Tierra cruz
16 days ago

Amen ❤️❤️❤️